Systems Engineering

Our engineers have both the programming capabilities and functional knowledge needed to support projects from concept through execution. Colexas Digital can perform engineering services in-house.


Project Management

Drawing on extensive real-world project experience, our systems engineers serve as very effective project managers. Often our customers know the business outcome they need to achieve but do not have a clear path forward. Driven to improve efficiency in every system, our engineers begin by scoping and evaluating current resources. We then effectively deploy the right combination technology, networks, and hardware to develop custom solutions using the specific assets and budgets at hand.



All services needed to control industrial functions


Scoping and Proposal

Evaluate any current resources and all requirements to then develop a plan for the needed automation and measurement system.  


Take proposal and construct on paper the system intended to serve a specific purpose


Systems design documentation

Drafting, cable scheduling, equipment specifications, P&ID diagrams, PFD’s, and other components of scheduling system


Controls programming

Operations/technology factory acceptance testing, site acceptance testing, and commissioning


We work with almost all hardware providers including, but not limited to:

Ready to implement new industrial technologies?